Volunteer Job Descriptions
The Rockville Rays Swim Team is a parent run organization. Without the active and full support of ALL parents, a meet cannot take place. Swim meets require over 35 parent volunteers to run the meet. Time Trials is a great place to learn about volunteer positions. We need over 60 parents to help the day of Time Trials.
It is required that each family volunteer at least 3 shifts. No experience is necessary for most of the volunteer roles. Although most volunteers are needed at our meets, we also need volunteers for our social events which count towards a family’s volunteer commitment.
SSL Hours - 6th Grade and Older
There will be opportunities during the Swim Season and Meets for our Swimmers to earn SSL hours. It is expected that SSL volunteers show up (on time) and be prepared to volunteer the time they committed. All hours need to be recorded via SSL Verification Form to receive credit.
Parent Meet Volunteers - MCSL Certified Officials (Training Required)
We are always in need of MCSL Certified Officials. You do not need to be a swimmer yourself to be an effective official. MCSL provides free training for meet officials which is a great way to learn more about the sport while supporting your swimmer! Every A or B meet requires starters, stroke and turn judges and referees who have been previously trained and certified at an MCSL clinic. Clinics last approximately 2 to 3 hours. Information can be found on the MCSL website.
Referee: The referee is the chief official for the swim meet. They are responsible for the conduct of the meets and are the final authority on the interpretation and enforcement of all swimming rules. They need to be thoroughly familiar with all applicable MCSL rules, meet procedures and duties of all meet officials.
Starter: The starter has complete control over the swimmers from the time the referee signals the start of the race until after a fair start has been made. The starter will call the swimmers to their start position, get them set and then start the race. Starters also indicate whether false starts have occurred.
Stroke and Turn Judge: Stroke and Turn Judges ensure that the rules relating to the stroke, turn, kick and finish designated for the event are being observed. These judges are responsible for watching swimmers for disqualifications (DQs) in stroke technique during each race and reporting DQs to the meet referee.
Other Meet Volunteers
Other volunteer positions which require no MCSL certification and training include:
Announcer (home meets only): Will announce the events of the swim meet and the swimmers, when swimmers need to go to Clerk of Course to check in for their race, when timers need to move to the opposite end of the pool, announces any records, All‐Star times and score of the meet. The announcer will also play music before, after and during breaks in the meet.
Automation / Computer Operator / Scorer: Consists of several roles including verifier and computer operator. Automation is responsible for entering race times, scoring the meet, producing and posting results, producing ribbon labels, and finally reporting results to the division automation liaison. Automation volunteers sit in the shade on the deck of the pool. Computer Operator (Entering Times) requires minimal training and verifying scores requires no training. MCSL holds training for Computer Operators for those interested in May (you can also learn on the job at Time trials and early meets)
Timer: Will use a stop watch to accurately time the swimmer in their assigned lane from start to finish. Will record all the times on the time card and hand to head timer or runner. There are 3 timers in Every Lane. Head / Assistant Head Timers are experienced timers that act as a backup for timers if lane timers experience technical mishaps during races.
Clerk of Course: Will assist in checking in swimmers prior to their event and instruct them as to which lane and heat they will swim in. They will also direct the swimmers to the staging area to await their events. This volunteer position is for an individual that does not get flustered by chaos and lots of kids. It helps to know many of the swimmers but if you are new, it is also a great way to get to know all the swimmers.
Runner: Collects the time sheets/cards from the head timer or timers and turns them in to automation. Will also collect the DQ slips and turn them in to automation. (SSL jobs available).
Concessions (home meets only): Sells food, drink and team spirit wear at all home meets throughout the season. The proceeds from the concessions sales go directly to the team to support operations. (SSL jobs available).
Ribbon Writer: Prepares the ribbons for swimmers by attaching labels (received from automation) to the appropriate ribbon. Ensures that each team receives their award ribbons at the end of the meet. (SSL jobs available).
Setup/Breakdown Crew (home meet only): Responsible for setting up equipment at the pool Saturday morning prior to the meet, and breaking down the equipment after the meet. Will move tables, chairs, etc., before and after the meet. This position is only required at home meets. (SSL jobs available).
End of Year Banquet
Social Activities
Throughout the course of the season, the Rays hold many social activities for all the swimmers and their families. Parent volunteers are needed for several of these activities as well. These activities include:
Friday Night Deck Parties: Friday Night parties are when all Rays swimmers will gather at the pool, share a meal, and prepare for the Saturday morning meet the next day.
Laser Tag: Swimmers will spend an evening together at Shadowland.